We are creatures of habit
- Humans are directed by the inertia from the things they are comfortable with. The old––the consistent. The price of change is more than what's on the sticker. By changing they are giving up their time and risking their reputation or emotions.
- [[Loss Aversion]] is a beast to overcome when building products. Choosing to not take any action can sometimes feel less risky than trying something new. People do not like change.
- Companies immune systems are susceptible to attacking themselves when things that are out of their comfort zone or typical ways of doing things. Change can be halted out of fear and consensus of the hivemind.
- When 'business as usual' is breached, people throw up their defenses.
- A flaw of humans is over-optimism. We claim things that we hope to embody only to later contradict with our actions. We are very optimistic, which causes the things we claim to be unreliable. We produce tons of noise.