Products are not meant to be inclusive

headshot of Bailey Jennings
1 min read
  • If you try to include everyone in the development process you'll end up with a product that works for no one. [[Products should not be built by a committee]]
  • "Visuals and product decisions should only match the customer you're serving. Don't fall into the trap of mimicking others that serve other groups. "
    • "You can get caught building for yourself when you are not the target users. Something that makes sense to you might not make any sense to your end user."
  • [[Zettle/Trying to serve everyone serves no one]]
    • When people try to design for everyone there is a constant tendency towards average"
      • "That's not where great products service."
      • "We are after edge cases"
  • "Focus on the Wildly Important"
    • "Be specific about what you are setting out to accomplish"
    • "The more you try to do, the less you will accomplish."
  • R-Sources