"When you are making a decision as a PM, you are placing bets. You can never be 100% certain that something that you are working on or a decision you are planning to make is going to be successful."
Know what you are betting. Be mindful of what you are losing by making a specific bet. Something has to give for something to be worked on. Time is finite. You should only be concerned about what you could break if something goes wrong.
You can never be 100% certain that what you are building will be the next 'thing', so that shouldn't be the goal of your product planning and Product Strategy.
You and your teams level of excitement around and idea is the ruler, not the ROI. Trying to calculate the ROI is just guess work anyways.
You are after creating impact. Motivation should be fueled by the joys of shipping great product.
"You can be in a room for hours voicing things back and forth off of each other trying to find solutions to problems that might makes sense, but when it comes down to having to measure the impact of what you built, you'll be lost since to are without a ruler. "
"how will you know if what you all did or worked on is better?"
"what do we agree upon for the problem? "
"what are the things that are out of scope and can't change? these are the things that aren't going to move